Pride of lions nap on road during South African lockdown

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With the whole world in stand by due to the Coronavirus outbreak, wild animals are taking over. Whether it’s wild bears in Yosemite National Park, wild boar in Spain or mountain goats in Wales, animals seem to overly enjoy life during the lockdown.

On those times, the lions are taking it very easy too. And some recent viral snaps are proving it. With South Africa also in lockdown and with no tourists, Kruger National Park – one of the country’s largest reserves, belongs exclusively to animals. A pride of lions has been recently spotted taking a nap in the middle of a road.

Not even the presence of the park ranger who took the photos, didn’t seemed to bother the lion family. “Kruger visitors that tourists do not normally seen,” the park wrote in a tweet. “This lion pride are usually resident on Kempiana Contractual Park, an area Kruger tourists do not see. This afternoon they were lying on the tar road just outside of Orpen Rest Camp. ”

Despite the striking photos of the lions who seem to take advantage of the situation, the staff at the park said the animals behavior didn’t changed. “Lying on the road during the daytime is unusual because under normal circumstances there would be traffic and that pushes them into the bush, Ike Phaahla, a spokesperson for the park, told CNN. “They are nocturnal animals and it is not unusual for them to sleep during the day, what is unusual is the utilisation of the tarred road.”

Nonetheless this isn’t the first time a group of lions decide to take a stroll on a road. A couple of years ago a group of majestic lions in Kruger Park, created the most adorable traffic jam ever, when decided to take a walk using the road. Take a look:

h/t: Twitter | CBSNews

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