The puma, also known as cougar or mountain lion, is a camouflage expert, thanks to its sleek coat that enables it to blend seamlessly into the mountainous terrain where it typically resides. However, can you spot it? Even though this big cat tends to keep a low profile, proficient tour guides can readily locate and point it out to captivated visitors.

In Patagonia, Chile, a clever big cat has discovered the ultimate hiding spot on a mountain. Wildlife photographer, Greg Harvey, aged 51, captured an astonishing image to assess his guides’ ability to detect the elusive creatures.
Pumas are incredibly skilled at blending into their environment, making them challenging to spot in the wild. To evaluate their alertness, Greg conducted a photo test with three levels of difficulty: easy, medium, and hard. Despite the difficulty level, his team had no trouble identifying the lurking danger. Nevertheless, this puzzle has left many individuals perplexed. Can you spot where the puma is concealing itself before it attacks?

Upon closer inspection, you can observe the creature camouflaging behind a bush on the left. We have encircled the answer below, but why not test your abilities further by attempting these other optical illusions?