When a compassionate passerby noticed Buddy lying by the side of a bustling road, she halted her car and stepped out to offer assistance. Surprisingly, the injured cat managed to rise to its feet and limped across the busy thoroughfare before collapsing onto a safe patch of grass.

The stranger, an animal foster caregiver, fetched some food from her vehicle and cautiously approached the frail creature. With gentle gestures and unwavering patience, the woman, accompanied by another foster caregiver, successfully secured the injured animal. Initially, they contemplated the possibility of human euthanasia for Buddy, considering his advanced age and evident exposure to the elements during many years spent outdoors.

“Buddy was spotted lying near a busy roadway by one of our fosters,” Tomato Foster Club wrote on Facebook. ” She pulled over to see if he was okay…she grabbed some food from her trunk and followed him. When she opened the can he slowly and cautiously made his way to her. With some patience and the help of another foster they were able to safely secure him.”
Bearing scars and tangled, unkempt fur, Buddy displayed deformed ears as a result of prolonged mite infestations. He had patches of missing fur and fresh wounds on his back and front leg, and was also diagnosed as FIV positive.
Nevertheless, beneath Buddy’s rough exterior lay a resilient and amicable feline. After a thorough examination, the veterinarian determined that Buddy had the potential to overcome his numerous afflictions. However, to initiate his recovery, he required a foster home.

Determined to secure a suitable foster home for Buddy, the rescue diligently pursued options and eventually discovered an ideal haven for him in Boston, Massachusetts. His new abode would include companionship from other cats sharing similar circumstances, providing a safe environment for his recovery and any necessary medical procedures.
Buddy’s journey to wellness would likely commence with the necessary neutering procedure, followed by a comprehensive examination of his oral health. Given the uncertain nature of his physical condition, any assistance towards his impending medical expenses would be greatly appreciated. If you wish to contribute, you can send funds to the rescue’s Venmo account, @tomatofosterclub.