For over the last couple of years, a rescue owl hardly tried to become a mum, but unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned this year either. Despite her great efforts, her eggs failed to hatch. Nonetheless, when she returned to her nest, she discovered two tiny owlets inside!

Luna, a rescued Tawny Owl wanted to be a mom for a long time, but no matter how hard she tried, her three eggs didn’t hatched. So Robert E Fuller – a British artist and a wildlife conservationist and rehabilitator, decided to help her. When someone called him about two very young orphaned owlets in desperate need of help, Robert thought Luna might accept them.
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“They were living in a straw stack out in a field, and when the farmer had gone to move the bales, these youngsters fell to floor,” he said. “He [the farmer] did not know that the owls were nesting there, as tawny owls are notoriously secretive.”

The two owl chicks were less than 2-weeks-old and their chances of survival without a mother were very slim. So Robert took them both, put them inside Luna’s nest and waited for her to return. The owl’s reaction was incredible as she immediately rushed to take the tiny chicks “under her wing,” just as they were her own.
Watch the moment here:
“This means that after a long wait, Luna the tawny owl is finally a mum,” said the artist, who turned his garden into a heaven for tiny wildlife. “Not only did her eggs fail to hatch this year, but she also lost her clutch last year.”
Robert kept an eye on Luna and the two owlets, but as it turned out, things are working great for both sides. The owl’s dream to be mom finally came true, and the two hopeless chicks found the comfort and the love only a mother could offer them.
“Tawny owl mum, Luna, is so tender with her foster chicks,” the man wrote. “They’ve been with her for nearly a week and they are thriving.”
Watch this adorable owl family thriving, in the video below!