Spectacular sight: Siberian tiger caught on camera swimming in a green lake

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A majestic tiger has been recently caught on camera cooling off in a green lake and the spectacular images went viral on social media. The spectacular moment happened at a zoo in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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It wasn’t the hottest day in the north European country, but the feline decided that the 82 Fahrenheit degrees was too much to handle for him, so he decided to take a dive in a lake close to his enclosure. But since the pond was full of green floating weeds, the images of the tiger look like out of a fairy tale.

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After a short swim, the Siberian tiger decided he had enough of it. So he got out of the lake and found a comfortable spot next to a tree, where he sit down to relax.

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According to the Profimedia – the platform responsible for the heartwarming photos – there are currently three Siberian tiger at this zoo. Native to Russian Far East and Northeast China, the Siberian tiger is one of the rarest tiger species on Earth.

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Enlisted as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, there are only about 500 individuals left in the wild. Poaching and habitat loss are the the main causes that lead to this dramatically decreased of tiger population.

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