Heartwarming Moment: Dog Runs Again Thanks to Miracle Prosthetics

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If you have a dog, then you know that one of their favorite things in the world is to run in the park. They can’t wait for you to let them out from the leash so they can run freely and get some power in their legs. Just watching them run is an exhilarating experience.
But running is not just a leisure experience for dogs.

They need it to keep their weight under control and improve blood flow. They also need it for mental stimulation. The benefits are endless. But while running is something most dogs can easily do, it used to be an impossible activity to do for the beautiful dog in the video below named Derby.

You see, Derby was born with a deformity that affected his front legs and made it impossible to even stand on his own, nevertheless run. Derby was lucky enough to be adopted by a loving family who was committed to ensure Derby lived the best life possible.

Thanks to new 3D printing technology and a pair of exceptional prostheses. Derby can finally experience what it feels to run freely. Just look at him go! You would never guess he is not like all other dogs.

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