Dog saves unconscious bird – the bird shows its gratitude in the sweetest way

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Dogs have shown so many times they’re capable of heroic acts. Regardless the breed, dogs display an incredible selfless nature and they’re always willing to help. And this big-hearted Jack Russell terrier, shows once again what dogs are capable of.

It was a really quiet evening for Diamond and his human dad – Gunnar Kr Sigurjónsson. They were inside their house in Iceland and while Gunnar was working something on the computer, his furry companion was sitting on the floor enjoying the outside view through the window. But suddenly, he started whining.

Gunnar initially ignored him, but then he realized something could went wrong so he decided to investigate. “When I didn’t follow, he came back and whined some more,” the man told The Dodo. “I knew he didn’t need to do his business, as we had just been for a walk, so finally I gave in and followed him.”

The dog lead Gunnar to the balcony. There a very tiny bird was laying on the floor and it didn’t seem to breath at all. The man initially thought the poor little soul was gone, but then he checked again. “I immediately thought the bird was dead, so I called Diamond inside,” Gunnar said. “Then I thought I saw the bird blink an eye.”

He then realized, the little one was only unconscious, so he took it inside the house and gave it the proper care. Thankfully, the little bird recovered in a couple of hours, but just when Gunnar wanted to set it free, something really sweet just happened.

“I gave him some water and some birdseed I had,” Gunnar said. “[Then] I was going to set him free, but wanted to take some pictures first, so I put it in my open palm and took some snaps, but he flew a big circle in my living room and landed back … right on top of Diamond’s head! ”

But that’s not all, because soon after he took the bird in his hands again, Diamond just got closer and he and the bird whose life he just saved started cuddling each other. Just like the little bird knew that the big-hearted dog saved its life and it wanted to show gratitude in the sweetest way possible.

“Diamond came nose to beak to the bird and then he started licking him,” Gunnar said. “The poor bird had to flick his wings a few times to keep his balance, but could have flown away any time if he wanted to.” He named the bird Bibi and he eventually set him free!

h/t: thedodo

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