A good dog saved the life of a bald eagle, while on a walk with his human. Kenai, a very friendly pup, went to a trip in Duluth, Minnesota, with his owner Kerrie and her friend Pam. All of a sudden, Kenai approached the two women barking and he acted like his on alert of something. As they followed him, the dog lead them to a bald eagle that seemed to be stranded in the snow.

Likely injured at one of its wings, the majestic bird was sitting on the shoreline of river. It was getting dark soon, so Kerrie knew she had to act quickly to save the bird’s life. So they contacted the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for help. But even so, they had to wait until next morning as by the time a rescue team would arrived it would already been dark.

Next day in the morning, two women from the Department of Natural Resources, helped by Kerrie, her friend Pam and of course, her faithful dog Kenai tracked the injured bird by its footprints. Thankfully, they eventually found it alive, even if its features were frozen already. Once they managed to grab the massive bird, Pam and Kerrie took it to the Raptor Center in St Paul.

Sadly, the examination revealed not just a wing injury (as they suspected) but also poison. “Our exam showed a shoulder injury, which we thought was likely fixable,” Wildwoods wrote on Facebook. “Their exam showed lead poisoning (yes, again!), as well as a soft tissue injury of the left shoulder.”

However, the iconic eagle will make a fully recover, all thanks to these kind women and this heroic dog. “The Raptor Center thinks his chances are fair, and we hope for his eventual recovery,” the center wrote. “Kerrie and Pam especially credit Kenai and her sharp eyes for spotting this bird so that he could be rescued! Good dog, Kenai!”
