White lion shows off his majestic mane in breathtaking photos

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A majestic white lion becomes Internet sensation after showing off his tremendous mane in a striking photo shooting. The gorgeous 6-year-old feline, named Moya, is a resident of the Glen Garriff Conservation lion sanctuary in South Africa. The rare lion take pride after posing in front of the camera.

The stunning photos was taken by the British wildlife photographer Simon Needham, who wants to raise awareness of the dramatic situation of the wild lions.

“Moya’s stunning coat blew me away the first time I saw it,” the Los Angeles-based photographer said. “Although it was quite difficult to get close to him, I had a few moments when he came close enough for me to get a few great shots as he walked his territory. When you are in the moment you don’t really get chance to appreciate the beauty of it all but obviously afterwards, I realized what lovely pictures we had.”

The photos Simon snapped are, indeed, extremely lovely. Moya and his fabulous mane, immediately went viral on social media. In this way, Simon also hopes to help Glen Garriff Conservation sanctuary in their attempt to help and protect those majestic creatures.

“I’m really happy to be part of bringing well deserved attention to a very worthy cause at GG Conservation Glen Garriff where they have 77 lions in their care,” Simon wrote in a Facebook post.

According to the IUCN Red List, the African Lions are classified as a vulnerable species, with less than 40,000 individuals left in the wild. However, some sources indicate there are around 20,000 lions left in the wild.

Thankfully, places like Glen Garriff Conservation lion sanctuary aim “to love, protect and preserve the magnificent lions.” You can help them on their mission, here.

(Featured Image Credits Facebook/Simon Needham)

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