Planet Earth and its diverse nature are brimming with captivating species and extraordinary creatures. Witnessing the intricate interplay and adaptive behaviors of organisms in their respective environments, as they strive to survive and uphold the delicate equilibrium of their ecosystems, is undeniably awe-inspiring.
Therefore, when I stumbled upon images showcasing three “angry snakes” concealed amidst a tree, my inquisitiveness naturally piqued. I soon discovered that I was not alone in being beguiled by these mesmerizing photographs.

The mere sight of a single serpent perched in a tree can evoke fear, but when three of them congregate closely, it has the potential to send shivers down anyone’s spine. Fortunately, the attention-grabbing visuals do not actually feature snakes; they depict something entirely distinct and intriguing.
Nature encompasses an extraordinary array of life forms, boasting an immense biodiversity with countless species inhabiting every corner of our planet. Each of these species plays a unique and vital role within its respective ecosystem. Furthermore, the natural world is replete with awe-inspiring adaptations and survival strategies that animals and plants have developed throughout the ages. For instance, certain insects possess camouflage colors enabling them to blend seamlessly into their surroundings, thus evading potential predators. Meanwhile, others have evolved the ability to produce toxic substances as a means of safeguarding themselves against adversaries.

This fascinating reality was further accentuated when a series of photographs featuring three wrathful-looking “snakes” began circulating on the internet. In 2021, a tweet shared by Rob Allam left netizens perplexed as it seemingly portrayed three irate “serpents” concealed within a tree. However, it didn’t take long for users to unravel the hidden truth behind these images, revealing a story far more intriguing than initially perceived.
As it transpires, the trio of “snakes” is, in fact, a captivating optical illusion crafted by a section of wings belonging to two distinct moth species known as the Atlas moth.

These extraordinary moths, native to the forests of Asia, possess a remarkable ability to mimic the appearance of snakes. With an impressive wingspan that can stretch up to 9.4 inches and a wing surface area of approximately 25 square inches, the Atlas moth ranks among the largest species of Lepidoptera. Notably, its body is significantly smaller in proportion to its expansive wings, creating a striking contrast in size. The moth was first observed by Carl Linnaeus in 1758 and holds the distinction of being one of the largest insects on our planet. Its name, derived from Atlas, the Titan of Greek mythology, pays homage to its imposing size.
When the viral picture was shared on Twitter by user Rob, he accompanied it with an explanation:
“Attacus Atlas, one of the largest butterflies in the world, has a short adult lifespan of only two weeks. During this stage, its primary objective is to lay eggs and protect them until they hatch, all the while disguising itself as a snake,” he wrote.
Attacus Atlas is one of the largest butterflies in the world and lives only for two weeks with one goal in their adult stage: lay eggs and defend them until they hatch while disguised as a snake
— Rob (@thegallowboob) October 15, 2021
Initially, many individuals on social media found it challenging to believe that the depicted creature was, in fact, a moth. “That disguise is truly remarkable,” commented one user.
Another user expressed astonishment, stating, “How is the top one not a real snake? This moth would have a longer life if it didn’t resemble something I’d want to swat away with a broom.”
Contrary to what one might assume, Atlas moths are actually weak and unsteady fliers. To conserve their energy, these moths prefer to rest during the daytime and become active flyers during the night.

According to the National History Museum, when the Atlas moth feels threatened, it employs a defense mechanism characterized by descending to the ground and contorting its body while flapping its wings in a deliberate manner, thus resembling the appearance of a snake’s head. To witness the mesmerizing presence of the Atlas moth firsthand, one would typically need to venture into the tropical forests of Asia. However, documented sightings of Atlas moths have also been reported in certain regions of Europe and the United States.
In 2012, the BBC reported an intriguing incident in Ramsbottom, Greater Manchester, where a remarkable event unfolded. A colossal Atlas moth had been discovered resting on a windowsill, captivating the attention of the family who stumbled upon it. Initially, they mistook the moth for a bat due to its substantial size. It is speculated that this unique creature had likely escaped from a private collection. Unfortunately, the moth’s life came to a premature end shortly after its discovery.

In a truly momentous occurrence, another Atlas moth specimen made headlines when it was captured on camera in Bellevue, Washington, in July 2022. This event marked a significant milestone as it became the first documented sighting of this species in the United States. Additionally, in 2022, another Atlas moth was discovered in Sweden, further adding to the intrigue.

Describing the awe-inspiring nature of these moths, Sven Spichiger, the managing entomologist for the state Agriculture Department, expressed, “This is a ‘gee-whiz’ type of insect, because of its immense size.” He further emphasized, “Even if you aren’t actively searching for insects, this is the kind of creature that prompts people to whip out their phones and snap a photo—they are truly striking in appearance.”