Steve Irwin’s family helps over 90,000 animals during Australia wildfires

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We all heard of Steve Irwin – a kind, gentle soul that taught us all the only one way to get close to the wildlife – by respecting and taking care of it. Unfortunately, this great man is gone – but his legacy lives, thanks to his beautiful family.

And what a better time to show that Steve’s message is carried on, than in a desperate moment as the curent wildfire crisis in Australia is. “I think for us as a family we always want to make sure that his legacy continues,” said Bindi Irwin. “Because dad always said, ‘I don’t care if people remember me, I care if people remember my message.”

The bushfire crisis in Australia seems to be endless and with an unprecedented impact on the country’s biodiversity. So far, nearly half a billion animals perished in the wildfires, including thousands of koalas and kangooros, birds and reptiles. But despite living such desperate times, the people of Australia are trying to help. Thousands of volunteers came along the brave firefighters who’re trying to stop the devastating fires, while many others are sometimes risking their own lives to help the poor helpless animals.

Among those people, Bind Irwin, Steve’s daughter showed her passion and kindness for the wildlife. The 21-year-old conservationist and the staff at the Australia Zoo put their efforts together to help as many affected animals as possible.

“With so many devastating fires within Australia, my heart breaks for the people and wildlife who have lost so much. I wanted to let you know that we are SAFE. There are no fires near us @AustraliaZoo or our conservation properties,” Bindi wrote on her Instagram. “Our Wildlife Hospital is busier than ever though, having officially treated over 90,000 patients. My parents dedicated our Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital to my beautiful grandmother. We will continue to honour her by being Wildlife Warriors and saving as many lives as we can.”

According to reports the koalas population is thought to be the most affected one, due to the wildfire crisis. Unfortunately, almost 30% of the species could be gone. And the things doesn’t seem to get back soon. Dramatic footages showing animals desperately trying to run from this wrath of nature have recently emerged online. Among them a touching video showing a group of kangooros running for their lives:

h/t: themindunleashed

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