Heartwarming moment of a rainbow lorikeet kissing a rescued koala

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In a beautiful display of love, two very unlikely companions share a tender moment at a wildlife sanctuary in Australia. The heartwarming moment was caught on camera. In a series of photos taken at the Mosswood Wildlife Sanctuary in south west Victoria, a colorful parrot approaches a koala with the intention of stealing a kiss from him.

The rainbow lorikeet may have a crush on its cute koala friend, but he turned out to be pretty hard to get. The friendly bird had eventually completed its mission, yet the marsupial, named Luther, doesn’t seems too impressed as he licks his nose after the lorikeet pecked it.

“The rainbow lorikeet was all about the love today,” Mosswood Wildlife described the moment. “Not sure if Luther enjoyed it!”

Both the koala and the lorikeet have been rescued and brought at the sanctuary. Now 2-year-old, Luther lost his mom in an accident when he was nearly one year old. Thankfully, he got rescued and now he enjoys his life at Mosswood Wildlife surrounded by so much love (from everyone, apparently). As about the lorikeet, he was found by some passerby in the city laying down on the ground and unable to fly. He was also brought at the sanctuary where currently lives for several months now.

Although Mosswood sanctuary is home for several species, the colorful lorikeet has a great admiration for Luther.

“The volunteer was feeding the koala and lorikeets are very out-there creatures, so it decided to have a conversation with the koala,” Mosswood Sanctuary director Tracey Wilson shared with Daily Mail Australia. “The little lorikeet was raised from a teeny tiny bird. He was the third one of this particular series and we’ve never had baby lorikeets before.”

h.t: MailOnline

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