Kind firefighters do sweetest thing for donkeys fleeing California wildfires

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The firefighters who battle the blaze during California wildfires, aren’t just fearless, but also very kind. So when two firefighters came across an exhausted pair of donkeys, they immediately rushed to help the poor animals, showing that if there’s kindness, there’s always hope!

Facebook/Sacramento Fire Department

Fire chief Gary Loesch and firefighter Chris Harvey, from the Sacramento Fire Department, were on their way to remove a fallen tree from a road in Paradise, California. They were driving through an area that badly affected by the devastating wildfires, so they didn’t expect to encounter anything but ashes. But, then they spotted something coming from the smoke. There were two donkeys desperately trying to find their ways to safety.

Facebook/Sacramento Fire Department

The firefighters immediately stopped and approached the helpless animals to check on them. It was clear they had been through a lot, and they need water and food. So the kind rescuers shared their water and their lunch with the two donkeys.

Facebook/Sacramento Fire Department

“We pulled over to let them pass, and saw that they looked very tired, worn out and thirsty,” firefighter Harvey explained to The Dodo. “I tried to give them some water in my hand from a water bottle, but it kept spilling out. Then we gave them apples and they ate them quickly and seemed grateful for the snack.”

Facebook/Sacramento Fire Department

After offering them water and apples, the firefighters called the Animal Control, and let then know about the donkeys. But they didn’t leave though, but stayed with them and comforted them, until animal control officers arrived. “We called base camp and had them dispatch animal control officers to get the donkeys,” firefighter Harvey said.

Committed to save each and every life, no one’s left behind with such heroic and kind firefighters as Harvey and Loesch!

h.t: thedodo

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