Bell’s Tale: The Cat with the Enchanting Squirrel-Like Tail

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The whole animal world is fascinating, but no one beats the levels of cuteness as a cat does. Especially one with a squirrel-like tail. Everyone meet Bell, an extremely sweet cat with such a unique looking.

This cute kitty looks just like any other fluffy cat, but there is one major twist. Her tail is different. In fact, judging after its majestic tail, this beauty looks more like a squirrel. And people all over the internet fall in love with her.

The 3-year-old kitty is a munchkin cat – Persian cat mix, a rare breed known as the Napoleon cat, or the ‘minuet cat.’ The International Cat Association has only recently recognized the Napoleon as an official breed. Either way, I’m entirely glad that it has because this little cutie has stolen my heart. According to the ICA this breed is well known for their affectionate nature. They are also gentle and considered to be very people oriented creatures.


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. I’m hungry😋ごはんちょうだいの舞 ベビベルの懐かしい動画を見たい😍 と、沢山の嬉しいDMありがとにゃ(*´˘`*)♥ 少しずつリポストするにゃ💗 #ベビベルちゃんシリーズ #ベルすずちゃんおもしろ動画 #ミルクティーファミリー #犬と猫のいる暮らし #ベルちゃん #ミヌエット NAME : Bell ベルちゃん Breed : minuet ミヌエット 🎂 : 2016.5.15 3歳 ・ NAME : Suzu すずちゃん Breed : Scottish fold スコティッシュフォールド 🎂 : 2018.3.21 1歳 . NAME : Lindor リンドール Breed : Teacup poodle ティーカッププードル 🎂 : 2019.7.18 2ヶ月

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This fluffy ball definitely brings all of this cat’s best characteristics into closer focus, as she begs for attention in the most adorable of ways. Her beauty is not merely limited to short online clips, though. Like any other rising star, Bell has her very own Instagram account and has already racked up over 159,000 followers with her charming nature.

And since the Christmas is almost here, watch Bell getting ready for the Santa:

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