Bold lion cubs annoy their sleeping dad in funny scene

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As a parent you need a lot of patience with your offsprings, because all they want is to have fun. But as it turns out, when you are a sleeping lion, composure is not on the menu!

Ingo Gerlach

In a series of some extremely hilarious photos, a wildlife photographer captured on camera a bunch of cheeky lion cubs that really wanted to know how patient their dad can be. While the majestic male was having a very good sleep, his tiny cubs wanted to have fun, and they thought his tail may be the perfect thing to play with.

Ingo Gerlach

The moment unfolded in Kenya’s Masai Mara Reserve and the German photographer Ingo Gerlach was at the right place at the right time to capture the moment on camera. Speaking for MailOnline, the 66-year-old photographer explained: “There were about eight children[cubs]…they were like six weeks old. [The male] dozed at the edge of a bush and had no desire at all to take care of the family.”

Ingo Gerlach

The king’s patience was immediately pushed to the limits, and he let his cubs know he’s definitely not in the mood. So, he thought that his roar would be enough to keep them at distance. But the say, ‘like father, like son,’ has never been more accurate and the fearless cubs kept annoying their father, until he decided to find another place to get some rest.

Ingo Gerlach

The lion dad got very grumpy, but not even his intimidating roar could keep the cubs at distance!

Ingo Gerlach

“The cheeky cubs discovered the bushy tail of their dad,” Gerlach said!

Ingo Gerlach

“They played with it for a short time before the dad threatened his offspring with licked teeth, but this succeeded also for a few seconds, because the offspring were stubborn though and they continued to annoy their dad. The quarrel went on for half an hour before the lion moved to a nearby bush.”

h.t: mailonline

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