It’s not hard to understand why a loyal black Lab in New Jersey is being hailed as a hero. This week, the faithful dog went above and beyond to protect a little boy who went missing on Wednesday evening after wandering from his home in Buena Vista Township, an area dense with hazards for an unattended preschooler.

The 4-year-old boy was not alone as he strayed further away and became more lost, as the family dog had decided to stay close by. Recently released police body-camera footage captures the dramatic moment when state troopers found the boy in the woods. In the video, the sound of a barking dog and a trooper running toward the boy can be heard. Another trooper shouts, “We’re here, buddy! I gotcha!” The boy sobs as the trooper picks him up and cries, “I lost my shoes!”
You can watch the dramatic moment here:
As soon as the rescue footage was shared online, the dog took all the credit
for its crucial role in ensuring the safe return of the boy.

“We are thankful to report that due to the quick response of the troopers and the his mother, the child was safely located and in good health,” New Jersey State Police wrote.
“This beautiful dog protected him and stayed by his side,” a netizen wrote. “That dog barked to lead them to him,” another Facebook commenter said. “He saved his life. I bet he never left him for a second.”