13-year-old gets dream job, starts his own transport service for dogs

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While most 13-year-olds are busy with schoolwork and hobbies, Aleksander Slott of Byron Center, Michigan, is already living his dream job. This enterprising teenager has turned his passion for dogs into a thriving business, all before even entering high school.

It all started when Aleksander’s mother, Amy Oostveen, posed a thought-provoking question to her son: “If you could start any business, what would it be?” Without hesitation, Aleksander, who had been earning pocket money as a dog walker, said he would “just want to be with dogs.”

Seeing the sparkle in her son’s eyes, Amy knew this was more than just a fleeting wish. Together, they brainstormed ideas and developed a plan to create a business that would cater to the needs of dog owners in their community.

Aleksander’s love for dogs was no secret. Neighbors often saw him strolling through the neighborhood, a pack of happy canines in tow. His natural ability to connect with animals and his reputation for being responsible and caring made him a favorite among local pet owners.

With his mother’s guidance, Aleksander launched “Paws and Play,” a service offering dog walking, pet sitting, and even a “puppy playdate” program. The business quickly gained traction, with Aleksander’s youthful energy and genuine affection for his four-legged clients shining through in every aspect of his work.

“I just love spending time with dogs,” Aleksander shared with FOX 17. “They’re always happy to see you, and it’s like they know when you need a friend. I wanted to create a place where dogs can have fun, and owners can feel confident that their pets are in good hands.”

Aleksander’s business isn’t just about playtime; he’s also committed to giving back. A portion of “Paws and Play’s” proceeds goes to local animal shelters, helping other dogs find their forever homes.

The community has rallied around this young entrepreneur, with many praising his initiative and dedication. “It’s not every day you see someone so young with such a clear vision and the drive to make it happen,” said one of Aleksander’s clients. “He’s not just walking dogs; he’s building relationships and a reputable business.”

As for Aleksander, he’s just getting started. With plans to expand his services and continue his support for animal welfare, this 13-year-old’s future looks as bright and promising as the wagging tails of the dogs he adores.

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