Wildlife photographer Alan Murphy captured some incredible snaps of a bald eagle while catching pray – a fish. The majestic creature came from the skies to catch its meal with a clinical accuracy. The 59-year-old photographer was at the right place at the right time to captures the dramatic scene!
The once-in-a-lifetime moment unfolded in Alaska, where the London-based photographer was teaching other how to captures photos of wildlife, especially bald eagles. And he nailed it!

“They can spot fish from a very high elevation yet they grab the fish so delicately with their talons extended out in front of them,” Murphy explained. “The bald eagles in Alaska are quite tame – they’re used to boats and fisherman. They will go about their business right next to you which allowed us to get very close.”

A very experienced wildlife photographer, Alan Murphy is traveling every year in these parts of the world to observe and capture snaps of the majestic bald eagles.

“The eagles will take almost any species of fish they can find as long as they can lift it out of the water,” he said. ” They even lock their talons onto a fish that’s too big and they’ll need to swim to the shore to drag the fish up.”

Although now is a protected species, the massive bird that represents America’s national symbol, has faced extinction a few decades ago. Nevertheless, conservation programs have managed to save the species and help it thrive again.
“In 1963, there were just 417 pairs of bald eagles. Now, there are over 69,000 pairs,” Alan said. “They can be found in every state of the United States. It’s a great privilege to be able to photograph them.”
(h.t: mailonline)