Kitten Becomes Hero, Keeps Rescued Baby Squirrels Alive Until Their Mom Returns!

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The animal world is definitely no stranger to unlikely friendships, but this one takes things to a whole new level. It all started when the owner of the cat in the video below found four baby squirrels in a nest that had been knocked from a tree during a wild storm. Those poor little guys were extremely scared and with their home being destroyed, they desperately needed some help.

“During a cyclone we found a nest outside the gate. Four cute baby squirrels inside the nest survived in the worst cyclone,” Peter, the man who found them told Love Meow.

A true animal lover, the man decided to take them in and try to nurse them back to health. His only concern was that his cat Netty was not going to be too happy about his decision. He was afraid the cat won’t welcome the squirrels and that it will be jealous of them. But little did he know, his kitty would instantly fall in love with the cute tiny creatures.

Peter couldn’t believed his eyes Netty’s reaction was so unexpected. After a few sniffs and licks, the feline pretty much fell in love with them instantly. She immediately assumed the role of a bigger sister to them and now they are inseparable. The squirrels love cuddling and taking naps on the cat’s belly, and Netty enjoys having four new friends she can chase and play with around the house.

However, after a few days Peter spotted an adult squirrel looking for something in backyard. He then soon realized it was the mom of the little ones he rescued. So he rushed to help the desperate mother to be reunited with her beloved little babies.

“We heard the mother squirrel sound around our neighbor home.” he said. “She was searching for her babies. We kept the nest outside the window. Once mother squirrel heard the sound, she came for her babies.”

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