Mother dolphins sing to their babies in the womb

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It is very common, even recommended for a mom to sing to her baby while in the womb. In this way, the child will get used with the mom’s voice and and it is also very helpful in developing his communication skill. But when it comes to animals, you actually would not expect to see such an incredible bond, or you would?

Well, according to a study dolphins are also singing to their babies in the womb. And this isn’t surprising at all, thinking about how intelligent creatures the dolphins are. More than that it is scientific proved they used “signature whistles” to communicate with each other.

The study actually wanted to find out  those whistles’ frequencies and if they are changing after the birth. The study was lead by  Audra Ames, of the Marine Mammal Behavior and Cognition Lab at the University of Southern Mississippi.

“It’s been hypothesized that this is part of an imprinting process,” Ames told Live Science at the annual American Psychological Association conference. “We actually do see that human babies develop a preference for their mother’s voice in the last trimester. We don’t know if that’s something that’s going on here, but it could be something similar,” she added.

After they recorded a 9 years old pregnant dolphin, the researchers concluded that the whistles got more intense round the birth and loosing the intensity after that. But what’s truly fascinating is that the other dolphins remained silenced during that time to allow the unborn calf to recognize its mother’s voice, Live Science reported.

It’s both incredible and fascinating how intelligent dolphins are!

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