Rescued Baby Goose Becomes Man’s Adorable Shadow!

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When it comes to animal companions, you will be hard-pressed to find a pet more loyal and loving than a dog. However, the goose in the video below is definitely giving dogs a run for their money. In all fairness, Kyle the goose most likely thinks she’s a dog, judging by the way he acts. The goose follows her owner everywhere he goes, just like a pup would. They have an incredible bond now, but their friendship started in a very peculiar way.

Mike Jivanjee, of Oregon, was enjoying a day out on his boat when he noticed there was an animal in the water that seemed like it was in urgent need of help. The poor little gosling was rejected by her parents and abandoned. A kind hearted man, Mike took the baby goose to take care of her. That gosling was Kyle. After rescuing her, Mike had every intention of releasing her back into the wild.

But when the time came for Kyle to return in the wild, she just wouldn’t leave. Ever since she’s fallowing her adopting dad, everywhere. Now, the man says Kyle is his best friend and that he can’t imagine life without her.

“Kyle loves all shows on the Discovery Channel. She’s also a huge fan of the Ellen Show and Animal Planet. Kyle also loves to go paddle and hang out inside neighbors’ houses when they go on vacation, Mike told the Metro. “She does not identify as a goose so she constantly wants to be with people.” What’s more, with over 115,000 followers, Kyle is even a star on social media. “She is a celebrity everywhere,” said Mike about his unusual companion!

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