Heartwarming Moment: Proud Husky Dad Plays with His 9 Puppies for the First Time!

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Parents typically bound with their babies differently. As far as moms are concerned, the connection starts to form while the babies are still in the womb. But for dads, the reality of becoming a parent truly strikes when the babies are born and they get to physically make a connection to them

That moment when dads get to see their babies for the first time is so precious that no words can even come close to describe it. That is true for dogs as it is for humans.
The touching clip you are just about to see shows the beautiful moment a Siberian Husky dad gets to meet his nine puppies for the first time ever at 6 weeks old.

Dad’s excitement is more than obvious as he can’t contain his joy, running and jumping to express how happy he is to be a dad. With mom watching close by, the puppies start feeling more comfortable and get close to their dad. Seeing them all play together is enough to put a smile on everybody’s face.

They definitely are a happy family who enjoys spending time with one another, and that is always something nice to see.

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