Loyal Dog Waits Daily for Flight Attendant – What Happens When She Takes Him to a Shelter Will Amaze You!

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Dogs have many amazing qualities that make them men’s best friend: they are incredibly loving, loyal, kind and super cute. But one quality that not many people notice at first is their incredible perseverance. Dogs are very persistent in nature, and nowhere is this more obvious than in the video below.
The clip shares the incredible story of an abandoned dog that waited outside the hotel where a flight attended was staying at for days and days in a row until the woman finally gave in and adopted him.

The flight attendant often travels to Buenos Aires, Argentina for work. One day as she was walking back to her hotel there, she noticed a stray dog just sitting on the sidewalk. The woman stopped for a few minutes to feed the hungry dog and also play with him for a bit. It was enough for the two to connect.
The flight attended left the city several times since then, but every time she came back to the hotel, the dog was there, just waiting for her. The woman even took the dog to a shelter, but the canine refused to stay there, because he knew he had already found his owner.
Here’s what happened next:

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