A heroic dog from South Australia saved the life of a boy who was moments from drowning. The child was swimming on the river’s mouth in Port Noarlung when he got caught in the current and swept out to a rocky part of the water. Fortunately the quick-thinking pup spotted him and eventually safely dragged him on shore

Max, a staffy bulldog cross was enjoying a sunny day at the beach with his dad Rob Osborn and his 11-year-old human brother. All of a sudden, Rob who was sitting on the riverbank realized the boy got panicked, so he knew he had to act very fast to help him. But when he was getting ready to jump in the water, he noticed that Max was already heading to the boy.

“Max was just swimming around, wearing his life jacket, having a great time when the young boy got into trouble,” Rob told the media. “The tide was going in, and it was sucking the boy over to all of the big rocks, into a really deep part of the river.”

Within seconds, Max reached the boy and this one, encouraged by the dog’t owner, grabbed the life jacket Max was wearing and then they both managed to swim to shore. “He’s definitely a hero, he just doesn’t know it,” Rob said. “He was just doing what he was told…he was doing what he loves best — swimming!”
Find out more about Max’s heroic gesture, here: