“What Are the Chances? This Cow’s Newborn Is a 1 in 11.2 Million Wonder!

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As far as humans are concerned, multiple births are becoming increasingly more common, in large part due to artificial insemination. When more than one fetuses are in the womb, they usually turn out a bit smaller than usual. After all, there’s only so much food and nutrients mom can provide.

Well, pretty much the same thing happens in the animal kingdom. Only that in this case, the chance of female animals delivering multiple healthy babies is much, much lower. In fact, the odds of four live births coming from a single cow is like winning the lottery.

According to vets, the odds are 1 in 11 million, which is why this story is getting a lot of attention online. You see, a cow in Texas is the proud mom of four healthy calves, and this rare birth is one for the history books, specialists say.

The adorable cubs were named Eeny, Meeny, Miny, and Moo and they’re perfectly healthy and happy despite coming into the world with a slim chance of survival. You can find out more about their incredible journey into this world and find out how they are doing now by watching the beautiful video below!

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