Beluga whales are so happy to be rescued from performing as show animals

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It took tons of hard work, kindness and more than anything – dedication – to rescue a pair of beluga whales. After nearly a decade in captivity, Little Grey and Little White, finally got the chance of a free life. The moment the two adorable creatures realize they’re about to taste freedom is beautiful to behold and the smile on their faces say it all.

The two belugas have been forced to perform in animal shows for more than nine years. Unfortunately, the two had a tough life since they were very young. In 2011 they had been brought at the Ocean World in Shanghai, China from a research center in Russia and ever since they lived in captivity.

Now, after so many years these two lovely creature finally have the chance to taste freedom. A dream came true thanks to the tireless efforts of the Sea Life Trust – a UK-based animal welfare. However, the two beluga whales won’t be released in the ocean anytime soon. Firstly they will make a 6,000 miles journey to Iceland, to the first beluga whales sanctuary in the world.

“We’re absolutely delighted … that Little Grey and Little White are safely in their sea sanctuary care pools and are just one step away from being released into their wider open water home,” Andy Bool, head of Sea Life Trust, said in a statement. “Following extensive planning and rehearsals, the first stage of their release back to the ocean was as smooth as we had hoped and planned for. We are carefully monitoring Little Grey and Little White.”

Learn more about this rescue, here:

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