Baby Girl’s Kiss Surprises Family with Dog’s Unexpected Response

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There’s nothing more adorable on this world than little babies. They are sweet and adorable to everyone they meet and they make the cutest gestures of love. As dogs are not different at all, when babies meet puppies is the perfect duo.

Most of the time, these adorable interactions between dogs and babies are making waves on the internet. Just like this baby girl from San Antonio, Texas who’s fondly kissing the family dog over and over again. However, no one expected the dog to react in such a manner.

This particular baby girl was absolutely charmed by the family dog and she was eager to show it by kissing the dog! Just look at her how sweet she is when around the dog. It’s like she having the time of her life. An absolutely adorable moment!

At first, one might think that the dog was ignoring the little girl’s shower of affection. But, eventually, the dog stood up, went near the baby girl and returned her kisses! Definitely, the adorable duo is having a great time together.

When first saw this video, it just literarily brighten my day. Love is something that does not need to be communicated through spoken words. You can let the person you love know just how much you love them just by the way you interact with them. It is actually amazing to see that a baby and a dog, who both can’t communicate verbally, make each other feel loved without words.

Watch the adorable moment bellow!

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