Inseparable Bonds: Adorable Before and After Photos of Animals Growing Up Side by Side!

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We all make friends throughout our lives, but nothing really compares with those friends we’ve had since childhood, right?
They know pretty much everything about you, mostly because they’ve been there for you during the most important moments of your life. They’ve been there for the big stuff like you getting married but also for the little things, like you getting drunk simply because you were bored.
Getting to grow up alongside your best friend is awesome, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t require some effort. It’s not easy keeping in touch when life may take you miles away from your best friends.

We all change, but if you’re best friend is willing to stick around and still be there through it all, now that’s something special.
Friendship is a wonderful thing, and that’s true for animals as it is for humans. The beautiful pets in the images below first met when they were just starting to discover the world around them, and they have been inseparable ever since.
Although time may have changed their appearance, these pets continue to share their lives with one another. The before and after pictures showing how they’ve changed over time are too precious for words to describe.
It honestly doesn’t get much cuter than this!

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