A 3-Month-Old Pitbull is Saved by a Firefighter after being [A.ban.doned] by previous Owners! – petcutes

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She knows him as her safety after he rescued her! ❤️

The firefighters were horrified by the state the dog was left in, so they decided to help. So kind of them to go back and give her a forever home! 🏡❤️ It was a blessed day when this puppy was saved. These poor souls don’t ask for anything except a little love and compassion.

On a cool day in Sacramento, the firefighters noticed a dog named Chunk but couldn’t stop as they were on their way to an emergency call. Her cruel owner had not only abandoned her but left the three-month-old tied to a tree so she couldn’t escape her hopeless situation.

Big-hearted firefighters didn’t forget the scared pet. After finishing their call, they returned to free her and take her back to the fire station to warm her up. Firefighter Mike Thawley recalls how the dog was shivering and insisted on rescuing Chunk.

Mike and his colleagues gave Chunk a warm bath and showered her with love to keep her cozy. Sadly, this puppy needed more than warmth; she was suffering from severe mange, which had led to the loss of her fur and had been neglected.

She was taken to a pet shelter where she was treated for mange and checked to ensure she was in good condition. Fireman Mike Thawley had to go back and see his four-legged friend.

Chunk couldn’t stop wagging her tail at the sight of the firefighter who saved her. But Mike wasn’t just there for a visit; he came with his wife and three daughters, hoping to adopt the pup. After four months, Chunk was well enough to leave the shelter and go home with Mike and his family.

Thank you to the firefighter who found and rescued her. 🐶💕💕 Not only do you save and help everyone around you, but you have also proven to be a great man. GOD has blessed you with a huge heart of love. THANK YOU!! 💕

May God bless you and this puppy that you lovingly saved. 🙏🙏🙏

Bless this wonderful man for saving his precious dog and giving her a loving and forever home. This is what all dogs deserve. 🥰🙏🙏 What a wonderful ending! She will have a loving family and a happy home. 🏡❤️

Watch the video below:

Our first responders are the best. At times, you even risk your own lives to help people you don’t even know. You are awesome. Love and be kind to all animals! They deserve good care too. 💕🙏🥰

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